
Welcome to the SRD Wiki. This site is dedicated to the Markdown conversion of various roleplaying game rulesets. All current Markdown SRDs are linked in the main menu; I will update them and add more as time permits.

REorganized. REpublished. REmastered!

What is an SRD?

A Systems Reference Document (SRD) contains guidelines for publishing content under the Open-Gaming License (OGL), Creative Commons or another open license. The Dungeons & Dragons SRD is the quintessential example, as it provides self-publishing opportunities for individuals, groups, and companies who wish to utilize the official Dungeons & Dragons ruleset in their own published material or games.

Why Markdown Format?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax created by John Gruber. By its very nature, being a plain text file, it is designed to add future-proofing to any set of documents while still maintaining basic text and table formatting options.