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Ability Scores🔗

A character’s score in each ability determines whether they have any bonuses or penalties associated with various actions in the game. The tables below list the modifiers associated with each ability score, with the effects described below.

Strength (STR)🔗

Brawn, muscle power, and physical might.

  • Melee: This is applied to attack and damage rolls with melee weapons.
  • Open doors: The chance of success with attempts to force open a stuck door (see Dungeon Adventuring).
STR Melee Open Doors
3 -3 1-in-6
4–5 -2 1-in-6
6–8 -1 1-in-6
9–12 None 2-in-6
13–15 +1 3-in-6
16–17 +2 4-in-6
18 +3 5-in-6

Intelligence (INT)🔗

Learning, memory, and reasoning.

  • Spoken languages: Denotes the number of languages the character can speak.
  • Literacy: Indicates the character’s ability to read and write their native languages.
INT Spoken Languages Literacy
3 Native (broken speech) Illiterate
4–5 Native Illiterate
6–8 Native Basic
9–12 Native Literate
13–15 Native + 1 additional Literate
16–17 Native + 2 additional Literate
18 Native + 3 additional Literate

Wisdom (WIS)🔗

Insight, common sense, and intuition.

  • Magic saves: Is applied to saving throws (see Saving Throws) versus magical effects. This does not typically include saves against breath attacks but may apply to any other saving throw category.
WIS Magic Saves
3 -3
4–5 -2
6–8 -1
9–12 None
13–15 +1
16–17 +2
18 +3

Dexterity (DEX)🔗

Agility, reflexes, speed, and balance.

  • AC: Modifies the character’s AC (a bonus lowers AC, a penalty raises it).
  • Missile: Applied to attack rolls (but not damage rolls) with ranged weapons.
  • Initiative: Modifies the character’s initiative roll if the optional rule for individual initiative is used (see Combat).
DEX AC Missile Initiative
3 -3 -3 -2
4–5 -2 -2 -1
6–8 -1 -1 -1
9–12 None None None
13–15 +1 +1 +1
16–17 +2 +2 +1
18 +3 +3 +2

Constitution (CON)🔗

Health, stamina, and endurance.

  • Hit points: Applies when rolling a character’s hit points (i.e., at 1st level and every time a level is gained thereafter). A character always gains at least 1 hit point per Hit Die, regardless of the CON modifier.
CON Hit Points
3 -3
4–5 -2
6–8 -1
9–12 None
13–15 +1
16–17 +2
18 +3

Charisma (CHA)🔗

Leadership potential, personal magnetism, and physical appearance.

  • NPC reactions: Applies when hiring retainers and when interacting with monsters.
  • Max # of retainers: Determines the number of retainers a character may have at any time.
  • Retainer loyalty: Determines retainers’ loyalty to the character.
CHA NPC Reactions Max # Loyalty
3 -2 1 4
4–5 -1 2 5
6–8 -1 3 6
9–12 None 4 7
13–15 +1 5 8
16–17 +1 6 9
18 +2 7 10

Prime Requisite🔗

Each character class has one or more prime requisites—ability scores of particular importance to that class’ function. A character’s score in their prime requisites affects how quickly they gain XP.

  • XP modifier: Applied to all XP awarded to characters with a single prime requisite. The modifiers for classes with multiple prime requisites are noted in the class description.
Prime Requisite XP Modifier
3–5 -20%
6–8 -10%
9–12 None
13–15 +5%
16–18 +10%