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Alignments are cosmic principles that represent broad worldviews. All beings are categorized under three alignments: Law, Neutrality, or Chaos.

Law: The belief in goodness, order, truth, and justice as the natural order of the universe. Lawful beings are trustworthy, believe in protecting others, and act for the good of the group. They obey the rules of society and strive for fairness and justice.

Neutrality: The belief in a balance between the forces of Law and Chaos, with neither side becoming dominant. Neutral beings will cooperate with others as long as it is not to their detriment. They treat others as they are themselves treated and believe in living by their talents rather than relying on others.

Chaos: The belief in evil and the meaninglessness and randomness of the universe, wherein the individual’s selfish desires are utmost. Chaotic beings lie and use others as is suitable to their own ends, with no concern for the good of the group. They casually break laws, and are driven by whims and the belief in luck.

Revealing Alignment🔗

The player must inform the referee of their character’s alignment but does not have to tell other players.

Role-Playing Alignment🔗

Players should consider the chosen alignment when determining their character’s actions. The referee may call the player’s attention to deeds against the chosen alignment and suggest that the character changes to an alignment better fitting their behavior. Deviation from alignment may also be penalized as the referee sees fit.