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Successful characters accumulate wealth from the spoils of their adventures. Treasure may take many forms, but money is often the most helpful form of treasure.


Gold pieces (gp) are the most common currency. Coins made of other metals—platinum (pp), electrum (ep), silver (sp), and copper (cp)—are also used. The conversion rates of coins are shown below.

1 pp 1 gp 1 ep 1 sp 1 cp
Value in pp 1 1/10 1/50 1/500
Value in gp 5 1 ½ 1/10 1/100
Value in ep 10 2 1 1/50
Value in sp 50 10 5 1 1/10
Value in cp 500 100 50 10 1

Starting Money🔗

PCs begin play with 3d6 × 10 gold pieces.


Faced with the possibility of character death, players may wish to create a will for their characters to leave wealth behind for an heir. If the referee allows this, the following stipulations apply:

  • Tax: Any treasure left as an inheritance will be taxed at 10%.
  • Heir: The heir must be a newly created character of 1st level.
  • Once only: Inheritance may only be left once by each player.


When characters have amassed sufficient wealth, they often wish to construct a base or stronghold and possibly find a domain.

See Strongholds for complete rules on building a stronghold and founding a domain.