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Weapons And Armor🔗


Weapon Cost (gp) Weight (Coins) Damage Qualities
Battle axe 7 50 1d8 Melee, Slow, Two-handed
Club 3 50 1d4 Blunt, Melee
Crossbow 30 50 1d6 Missile (5’–80’ / 81’–160’ / 161’–240’), Reload, Slow, Two-handed
Dagger 3 10 1d4 Melee, Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’)
Hand axe 4 30 1d6 Melee, Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’)
Holy water (vial) 25 - 1d8 Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–30’ / 31’–50’), Splash weapon
Javelin 1 20 1d4 Missile (5’–30’ / 31’–60’ / 61’–90’)
Lance 5 120 1d6 Charge, Melee
Long bow 40 30 1d6 Missile (5’–70’ / 71’–140’ / 141’–210’), Two-handed
Mace 5 30 1d6 Blunt, Melee
Oil (flask), burning 2 - 1d8 Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–30’ / 31’–50’), Splash weapon
Pole arm 7 150 1d10 Brace, Melee, Slow, Two-handed
Short bow 25 30 1d6 Missile (5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’), Two-handed
Short sword 7 30 1d6 Melee
Silver dagger 30 10 1d4 Melee, Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’)
Sling 2 20 1d4 Blunt, Missile (5’–40’ / 41’–80’ / 81’–160’)
Spear 3 30 1d6 Brace, Melee, Missile (5’–20’ / 21’–40’ / 41’–60’)
Staff 2 40 1d4 Blunt, Melee, Slow, Two-handed
Sword 10 60 1d8 Melee
Torch 1 (for 6) - 1d4 Melee
Two-handed sword 15 150 1d10 Melee, Slow, Two-handed
War hammer 5 30 1d6 Blunt, Melee

Damage: Die rolled when using the optional rule for variable weapon damage (See ***Combat.

Weapon Qualities🔗

Blunt: May be used by clerics.

Brace: Bracing against the ground doubles damage against charging monsters.

Charge: On horseback, moving at least 60’ in a round and attacking doubles any damage done with a successful hit.

Melee: Close quarters weapon (5’ or less).

Missile: Thrown or fired weapon (greater than 5’ distance). The distances for short (+1 to hit), medium, and long (-1 to hit) range are shown in parentheses.

Reload (optional rule): Requires a round to reload between shots; can only be fired every second round.

Slow: The character acts last in each combat round (see Combat).

Splash weapon: On a successful attack, the container smashes and douses the target with the liquid. The listed damage is inflicted for two rounds, as the liquid drips off.

Two-handed: Requires both hands; the character cannot use a shield.


Ammunition Cost (gp)
Arrows (quiver of 20) 5
Crossbow bolts (case of 30) 10
Silver tipped arrow (1) 5
Sling stones Free


Armor AC Cost (gp) Weight (Coins)
Leather 7 [12] 20 200
Chainmail 5 [14] 40 400
Plate mail 3 [16] 60 500
Shield +1 bonus 10 100

Encumbrance (Optional Rule)🔗

If the optional rules for encumbrance are used (see Encumbrance), armor and weapons carried are treated as follows.

Option 1: Basic Encumbrance🔗

Leather armor counts as light armor, chainmail and plate mail count as heavy armor.

Option 2: Detailed Encumbrance🔗

The listed weight of armor and weapons is tracked. The listed weight of missile weapons already includes the weight of the ammunition and its container.