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Adventuring GearπŸ”—

Item Cost (gp)
Backpack 5
Crowbar 10
Garlic 5
Grappling hook 25
Hammer (small) 2
Holy symbol 25
Holy water (vial) 25
Iron spikes (12) 1
Lantern 10
Mirror (hand-sized, steel) 5
Oil (1 flask) 2
Pole (10’ long, wooden) 1
Rations (iron, 7 days) 15
Rations (standard, 7 days) 5
Rope (50’) 1
Sack (large) 2
Sack (small) 1
Stakes (3) and mallet 3
Thieves’ tools 25
Tinder box (flint & steel) 3
Torches (6) 1
Waterskin 1
Wine (2 pints) 1
Wolfsbane (1 bunch) 10


Backpack: A leather bag strapped over the shoulders, requiring no hands. Holds up to 400 coins.

Crowbar: An iron bar, 2–3’ long. They are used for prying open doors, chest lids, etc.

Grappling hook: Made of iron, with 3–4 hooks and a ring to attach a rope.

Hammer: Useful for hammering in iron spikes or tapping stonework.

Holy symbol: Divine spell casters must carry a holy symbol of their deity, often as a pendant around the neck. Each deity has its holy symbol.

Holy water: Water blessed by a holy person, stored in a special vial for religious rituals. Holy water inflicts damage on undead monsters (see Weapon Combat Stats). It loses its power if transferred from the blessed vials it is stored in.

Iron spikes: These may be used for wedging doors open or shut (see Dungeon Adventuring), as an anchor to attach a rope to, and for many other purposes.

Lantern: Shutters allow the light to be hidden and the flame protected. Burns one oil flask every four hours (24 turns). Casts light in a 30’ radius.

Mirror: Useful for looking around corners or for reflecting a gaze attack.

Oil flask: A flask of oil fuels a lantern for four hours (24 turns). Burning oil can also be used as a weapon:

  • Throwing: A flask of oil may be thrown (see Weapons And Armor).
  • Pools: A flask of oil is sufficient for a 3’ diameter pool. If lit, it burns for 1 turn. Creatures passing through the flames suffer 1d8 damage.
  • Immunity: Monsters with a fire attack (e.g., flaming breath) are not harmed by burning oil.
  • Lighting: Oil only causes damage if set on fire (e.g., touched with a burning torch).

Pole, 10’: A 2” thick wooden pole is helpful in poking and prodding suspicious items in a dungeon.

Rations, iron: Preserved food for long journeys.

Rations, standard: Fresh, unpreserved food.

Rope: Strong enough to hold three people's weight and equipment.

Sack, large: Can hold up to 600 coins.

Sack, small: Can hold up to 200 coins.

Stakes and mallet: A wooden mallet and three 18” long stakes. Valuable when confronting vampires.

Thieves’ tools: A set of lock-picking tools in a small case.

Tinder box: Used to light fires, including torches. Using a tinder box takes one round. There is a 2-in-6 chance of success per round.

Torch: When lit, casts light in a 30’ radius and burns for 1 hour (6 turns). Torches may also be used in combat (see Weapons And Armor).

Waterskin: A leather container that holds up to 2 pints (1 quart) of liquid.

Wolfsbane: This herb can be used to repel lycanthropes. The creature must be hit with the herb in melee combat.

Other EquipmentπŸ”—

The items detailed in this section are those most commonly available for purchase. Should PCs wish to purchase items not on these lists, the referee may use the listed items as guidelines for determining the prices and characteristics of new items, including combat statistics (if appropriate).