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Magic-User Spells🔗

If a spell can be reversed (see Spells), the name of the reversed version is noted in parentheses.

1st Level🔗

  1. Charm Person
  2. Detect Magic
  3. Floating Disc
  4. Hold Portal
  5. Light (Darkness)
  6. Magic Missile
  7. Protection from Evil
  8. Read Languages
  9. Read Magic
  10. Shield
  11. Sleep
  12. Ventriloquism

2nd Level🔗

  1. Continual Light (Continual Darkness)
  2. Detect Evil
  3. Detect Invisible
  4. ESP
  5. Invisibility
  6. Knock
  7. Levitate
  8. Locate Object
  9. Mirror Image
  10. Phantasmal Force
  11. Web
  12. Wizard Lock

3rd Level🔗

  1. Clairvoyance
  2. Dispel Magic
  3. Fire Ball
  4. Fly
  5. Haste
  6. Hold Person
  7. Infravision
  8. Invisibility 10’ Radius
  9. Lightning Bolt
  10. Protection from Evil 10’ Radius
  11. Protection from Normal Missiles
  12. Water Breathing

4th Level🔗

  1. Charm Monster
  2. Confusion
  3. Dimension Door
  4. Growth of Plants
  5. Hallucinatory Terrain
  6. Massmorph
  7. Polymorph Others
  8. Polymorph Self
  9. Remove Curse (Curse)
  10. Wall of Fire
  11. Wall of Ice
  12. Wizard Eye

5th Level🔗

  1. Animate Dead
  2. Cloudkill
  3. Conjure Elemental
  4. Contact Higher Plane
  5. Feeblemind
  6. Hold Monster
  7. Magic Jar
  8. Pass-Wall
  9. Telekinesis
  10. Teleport
  11. Transmute Rock to Mud (Mud to Rock)
  12. Wall of Stone

6th Level🔗

  1. Anti-Magic Shell
  2. Control Weather
  3. Death Spell
  4. Disintegrate
  5. Geas (Remove Geas)
  6. Invisible Stalker
  7. Lower Water
  8. Move Earth
  9. Part Water
  10. Projected Image
  11. Reincarnation
  12. Stone to Flesh (Flesh to Stone)