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Wall of Ice🔗

4th Level Magic-User Spell

Duration: 12 turns

Range: 120’

Conjures a semi-transparent sheet of ice, shaped as the caster wishes.

  • Size: The wall can be any length, height, and shape the caster wishes, up to 1,200 sq. ft total. For example, it may be a straight wall 10’ high and 120’ long or a ring 20’ high and 10’ radius.
  • Location: The wall must be supported (e.g. by the ground) and cannot be created in an area occupied by objects.
  • Monsters with fewer than 4 HD: Cannot pass the wall of ice.
  • Monsters with 4 or more HD: Can break through through the wall, but suffer 1d6 damage. Fire-based creatures (e.g. flame salamanders) suffer double damage.