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Animate Dead🔗

5th Level Magic-User Spell

Duration: Permanent

Range: 60’

Causes corpses or skeletons to rise as undead skeletons or zombies.

  • Obedient: Created undead obey the caster’s commands.
  • Special abilities: They are unable to use any special abilities (including spell casting) that they possessed in life.
  • Duration: The reanimating magic remains active until dispelled or until the undead are slain.

Number: The spell animates up to 1 Hit Die of zombies or skeletons per level of the caster:

  • Skeletons: Have AC 7 [12] and HD equal to those the creature had in life.
  • Zombies: Have AC 8 [11] and HD one greater than the creature had in life.
  • Classed characters: If a PC or NPC with levels in a class is reanimated by this spell, the levels are not counted as HD. For example, the reanimated corpse of a 5th-level fighter would have 2 HD (1 HD as a normal human, +1 for being reanimated as a zombie).