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Conjure ElementalπŸ”—

5th Level Magic-User Spell

Duration: Permanent (until dismissed or slain)

Range: 240’

A 16 Hit Dice elementalβ€”a being formed of pure elemental matterβ€”is summoned from an elemental plane of the caster’s choice (air, earth, fire, water) to do the caster’s bidding.

  • Materials: The summons require a large volume of the appropriate element.
  • Concentration: Is required to command an elemental.
  • Dismissing: While control over the elemental is maintained, the caster may dismiss it at any time, sending it back to its plane of origin.
  • Disruption: If the caster moves at more than half speed or their concentration is disturbed, the command over the elemental ends. It is, henceforth, a free-willed entity and will immediately try to kill the caster and any who get in its way.
  • Dispelling: A conjured elemental may be dispelled by dispel magic or dispel evil.

Restrictions: The caster may summon at most one elemental from each plane in a single day.

Air ElementalπŸ”—

Huge vortexes of whirling air.

AC -2 [21], HD 16 (72hp), Att 1 Γ— blow (3d8), THAC0 8 [+11], MV 360’ (120’) flying, SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP* 2,300

  • Size: 32’ tall, 8’ across.
  • Whirlwind: Creatures with less than 2HD swept aside (save versus death).
  • Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
  • Harm flying creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

Earth ElementalπŸ”—

Huge, humanoid figures of earth or stone.

AC -2 [21], HD 16 (72hp), Att 1 Γ— blow (3d8), THAC0 8 [+11], MV 60’ (20’), SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP* 2,300

  • Size: 16’ tall.
  • Blocked by water: Cannot cross a channel wider than own height.
  • Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
  • Harm creatures on the ground: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

Fire ElementalπŸ”—

Whirling columns of fire.

AC -2 [21], HD 16 (72hp), Att 1 Γ— blow (3d8), THAC0 8 [+11], MV 120’ (40’), SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP* 2,300

  • Size: 16’ tall, 16’ across.
  • Blocked by water: Cannot cross a channel wider than own diameter.
  • Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
  • Harm cold-based creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

Water ElementalπŸ”—

Huge waves of water.

AC -2 [21], HD 16 (72hp), Att 1 Γ— blow (3d8), THAC0 8 [+11], MV 60’ (20’) / 180’ (60’) swimming, SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP* 2,300

  • Size: 8’ tall, 32’ across.
  • Water-bound: Must remain within 60’ of water.
  • Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
  • Harm creatures in water: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.