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Magic Jar🔗

5th Level Magic-User Spell

Duration: Special

Range: The caster

The caster’s body enters a comatose trance as their life force is transferred into a receptacle (any inanimate object within 30’), known as a magic jar. From there, the caster may attempt to possess the bodies of other creatures.

When the caster’s life force is in the magic jar:

  • Possession: The caster may attempt to possess the body of another creature within 120’. The victim may save versus spells to resist possession. If the save is successful, the caster may not make another attempt to possess that victim for one turn. If the save fails, the caster’s life force leaves the magic jar and enters the victim, possessing it.
  • Returning: The caster may choose to return to their own body at any time, ending the spell.
  • If the magic jar is destroyed: The caster dies.
  • If the caster’s own body is destroyed: Their life force is stranded in the magic jar.

When the caster’s life-force is possessing a victim:

  • Control: The caster gains full control over the victim’s body, but is not able to make the victim cast spells.
  • If the magic jar is destroyed: The spell ends and the caster’s life force is trapped in the possessed body.
  • If the possessed victim is killed: The caster’s life force returns to the magic jar.
  • Dispelling: Dispel evil forces the caster’s life force back into the magic jar.
  • If the caster’s own body is destroyed: Their life force is stranded in the body of the creature being possessed.