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5th Level Magic-User Spell

Duration: Instant

Range: 10’

The caster or a chosen creature vanishes and reappears at a location of the caster’s choosing.

  • Gear: The subject is teleported with all its gear, up to its maximum load.
  • Unwilling subjects: May save versus spells to prevent teleportation.
  • Destination: This may be at any distance, but must be known to the caster. The destination must be an open space at ground level. (It is not possible to intentionally teleport the subject into mid-air or into solid matter.)
  • Risk: There is a risk, when teleporting, of accidentally arriving above or below ground level. The chance of a successful teleportation depends on the caster’s knowledge of the destination (see below). Roll d% and consult the table below.
Knowledge of Dest. Ground Level Too High Too Low
Scant 01–50 51–75 76–00
Moderate 01–80 81–90 91–00
Exact 01–95 96–99 00

Ground level: The subject appears at the intended destination.

Too high: The subject appears 1d10×10’ above the intended destination. If this causes the subject to appear inside solid matter, they die instantly. Otherwise, the subject falls from a height.

Too low: The subject appears below the surface of the ground and dies instantly.

Knowledge of destination: The caster’s knowledge of the destination is rated as follows:

  • Scant: A location that the caster has visited once or twice, has seen by magical scrying, or has heard of from descriptions.
  • Moderate: A location that the caster has visited often or has studied via scrying for several weeks.
  • Exact: A location that the caster has made a detailed study of, in person.