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Control Weather🔗

6th Level Magic-User Spell

Duration: Concentration

Range: 240 yards around the caster

By concentrating (no movement allowed), the caster causes one of the following conditions to manifest in the surrounding area. This spell only functions outdoors.

  • Calm: Clears bad weather (though side-effects—e.g. mud after rain—remain.)
  • Extreme heat: Dries up snow or mud (including *transmute rock to mud. Creatures in the area move at half normal rate.
  • Fog: Visibility drops to 20’. Creatures in the fog move at half their normal rate. At the referee’s option, they may also have a chance of getting lost.
  • High winds: Movement rates are halved. Missile fire and flight are impossible. High winds may be used to increase the sailing speed of ships by 50%, if they travel with the wind. In sandy areas, may cause a sandstorm, reducing visibility to 20’.
  • Rain: -2 penalty to missile attacks. Mud forms in 3 turns, halving movement rates.
  • Snow: Visibility drops to 20’. Movement rates are halved. Bodies of water may freeze. After the snow thaws, mud remains and still impedes movement.
  • Tornado: Conjures a whirlwind that the caster directs, moving 120’ per round and attacking as directed (see stats below). Ships caught in a tornado have a 75% chance of suffering 12 points of hull damage.


A whirling column of air, 24’ high and 6’ across, that wreaks havoc for flying creatures and ships.

AC 0 [19], HD 12 (54hp), Att 1 × blow (2d8), THAC0 10 [+9], MV 360’ (120’) flying, SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (12), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP* 1,900

  • Whirlwind: Creatures with less than 2HD swept aside (save versus death).
  • Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
  • Harm flying creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.