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Dungeon Encounters🔗

This section provides encounter tables by dungeon level. Referees using additional (or alternative) monsters should adapt the tables to include these or create their own encounter tables. Special tables may also reflect the different balance of monsters inhabiting a specific dungeon.

How to Roll an Encounter🔗

Roll 1d20 and look up the result in the column below corresponding to the explored dungeon level. The result indicates the monster encountered, with the number appearing in parentheses.


NPC adventurers: Encounters with NPC adventuring parties are listed in the tables as “Basic Adventurers” or “Expert Adventurers.” Guidelines for generating NPC adventurers can be found under Adventuring Parties.

Number appearing: The values listed in the tables for some monsters do not match the values listed in the monster description. If desired, the referee may use the number appearing value listed in the monster description for consistency.

By Level: 1–3🔗

d20 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1 Acolyte (1d8) Beetle, Oil (1d8) Ape, White (1d6)
2 Bandit (1d8) Berserker (1d6) Basic Adventures (1d4+4)
3 Beetle, Fire (1d8) Cat, Mountain Lion (1d4) Beetle, Tiger (1d6)
4 Dwarf (1d6) Elf (1d4) Bugbear (2d4)
5 Gnome (1d6) Ghoul (1d6) Carcass Crawler (1d3)
6 Goblin (2d4) Gnoll (1d6) Doppelgänger (1d6)
7 Green Slime (1d4) Grey Ooze (1) Driver Ant (2d4)
8 Halfling (3d6) Hobgoblin (1d6) Gargoyle (1d6)
9 Killer Bee (1d10) Lizard, Draco (1d4) Gelatinous Cube (1)
10 Kobold (4d4) Lizard Man (2d4) Harpy (1d6)
11 Lizard, Gecko (1d3) Neanderthal (1d10) Living Statue, Crystal (1d6)
12 Orc (2d4) Noble (2d6) Lycanthrope, Wererat (1d8)
13 Shrew, Giant (1d10) Pixie (2d4) Medium (1d4)
14 Skeleton (3d4) Robber Fly (1d6) Medusa (1d3)
15 Snake, Cobra (1d6) Rock Baboon (2d6) Ochre Jelly (1)
16 Spider, Crab (1d4) Snake, Pit Viper (1d8) Ogre (1d6)
17 Sprite (3d6) Spider, Black Widow (1d3) Shadow (1d8)
18 Stirge (1d10) Troglodyte (1d8) Spider, Tarantella (1d3)
19 Trader (1d8) Veteran (2d4) Thoul (1d6)
20 Wolf (2d6) Zombie (2d4) Wight (1d6)

By Level: 4+🔗

d20 Level 4–5 Level 6-7 Level 8+
1 Bear, Cave (1d2) Basilisk (1d6) Black Pudding (1)
2 Blink Dog (1d6) Bear, Cave (1d2) Chimera (1d2)
3 Caecilia (1d3) Black Pudding (1) Dragon, Black (1d4)
4 Cockatrice (1d4) Caecilia (1d3) Dragon, Blue (1d4)
5 Doppelgänger (1d6) Dragon, White (1d4) Dragon, Gold (1d4)
6 Expert Adventurer (1d6+3) Expert Adventurer (1d6+3) Dragon, Green (1d4)
7 Grey Ooze (1) Gorgon (1d2) Dragon, Red (1d4)
8 Hellhound (2d4) Hellhound (2d4) Expert Adventurer (1d6+3)
9 Lizard, Tuatara (1d2) Hydra 1d4+4HD (1) Giant, Hill (1d4)
10 Lycanthrope, Wereboar (1d4) Lycanthrope, Weretiger (1d4) Giant, Stone (1d2)
11 Lycanthrope, Werewolf (1d6) Minotaur (1d6) Golem, Amber (1)
12 Minotaur (1d6) Mummy (1d4) Golem, Bone (1)
13 Ochre Jelly (1) Ochre Jelly (1) Hydra 1d4+8HD (1)
14 Owl Bear (1d4) Owl Bear (1d4) Lycanthrope, Devil Swine (1d3)
15 Rhagodessa (1d4) Rust Monster (1d4) Lycanthrope, Werebear (1d4)
16 Rust Monster (1d4) Salamander, Flame (1d4+1) Manticore (1d2)
17 Spectre (1d4) Scorpion, Giant (1d6) Purple Worm (1d2)
18 Troll (1d8) Spectre (1d4) Salamander, Flame (1d4+1)
19 Weasel, Giant (1d4) Troll (1d8) Salamander, Frost (1d3)
20 Wraith (1d4) Warp Beast (1d4) Vampire (1d4)