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Nocturnal, flying mammals that roost in caves or ruins.

  • Echolocation: Unaffected by effects that impair, modify, or rely on sight. Blinded by magical silence.

Giant BatπŸ”—

Carnivorous bats that may attack adventurers, if hungry. 1-in-20 groups of giant bats are vampiric (see Giant Vampire Bat**).

Armor Class 6 [13]
Hit Dice 2 (9hp)
Attacks 1 Γ— bite (1d4)
THAC0 18 [+1]
Movement 30’ (10’) / 180’ (60’) flying
Saving Throws D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1)
Morale 8
Alignment Neutral
XP 20
Number Appearing 1d10 (1d10)
Treasure Type None

  • Echolocation: See main entry.

Giant Vampire BatπŸ”—

Armor Class 6 [13]
Hit Dice 2 (9hp)
Attacks 1 Γ— bite (1d4 + unconsciousness)
THAC0 18 [+1]
Movement 30’ (10’) / 180’ (60’) flying
Saving Throws D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1)
Morale 8
Alignment Neutral
XP 20
Number Appearing 1d10 (1d10)
Treasure Type None

  • Echolocation: See main entry.
  • Unconsciousness: For 1d10 rounds (save versus paralysis).
  • Blood drain: A vampire bat may drain blood from an unconscious victim: 1d4 hit points automatic damage per round. A victim killed by blood drain becomes undead (possibly a vampire after 24 hours (save versus spells).

Normal BatπŸ”—

Armor Class 6 [13]
Hit Dice 1hp
Attacks 1 Γ— swarm (confusion)
THAC0 20 [-1]
Movement 9’ (3’) / 120’ (40’) flying
Saving Throws D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH)
Morale 6
Alignment Neutral
XP 5
Number Appearing 1d100 (1d100)
Treasure Type None

  • Echolocation: See main entry.
  • Swarm: 10 bats can swarm around a target’s head, causing confusion: -2 to attack rolls and saves; unable to cast spells.
  • Attacks: As normal human.
  • Flighty: Unless magically summoned or controlled, normal bats check morale every round.