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Gigantic (30’ long), grey, worm-like amphibians, with huge, toothed maws.

Armor Class 6 [13]
Hit Dice 6* (27hp)
Attacks 1 × bite (1d8)
THAC0 14 [+5]
Movement 60’ (20’)
Saving Throws D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3)
Morale 9
Alignment Neutral
XP 500
Number Appearing 1d3 (1d3)
Treasure Type B

  • Swallow whole: On a natural 19 or 20 attack roll. Inside the monster’s belly: suffer 1d8 damage per round (until the caecilia dies); may attack with a dagger at -4 to hit; body digested in 6 turns after death.