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Beings formed of pure, elemental matter (air, earth, fire, or water) that can be summoned from their plane of origin to serve a magic-user.

  • Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
  • Power level: There are three power levels of elemental. Each is typically summoned by different means:
  • Lesser: AC 2 [17], HD 8, Att 1 × blow (1d8), SV* D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8). (Summoned by magic staff.)
  • Intermediate: AC 0 [19], HD 12, Att 1 × blow (2d8), SV* D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (12). (Summoned by magic device.)
  • Greater: AC -2 [21], HD 16, Att 1 × blow (3d8), SV* D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16). (Summoned by spell.)

Air Elemental🔗

Huge vortexes of whirling air.

Armor Class 2 [17] / 0 [19] / -2 [21]
Hit Dice 8 / 12 / 16* (36 / 54 / 72hp)
Attacks 1 × blow (1d8 / 2d8 / 3d8)
THAC0 12 [+7] / 10 [+9] / 8 [+11]
Movement 360’ (120’) flying
Saving Throws See main entry (8 / 12 / 16)
Morale 10
Alignment Neutral
XP 1,200 / 1,900 / 2,300
Number Appearing 1 (1)
Treasure Type None

  • Size: 16’ tall, 4’ across / 24’ tall, 6’ across / 32’ tall, 8’ across.
  • Whirlwind: Creatures with less than 2HD swept aside (save versus death).
  • Harm flying creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

Earth Elemental🔗

Huge, humanoid figures of earth or stone.

Armor Class 2 [17] / 0 [19] / -2 [21]
Hit Dice 8 / 12 / 16* (36 / 54 / 72hp)
Attacks 1 × blow (1d8 / 2d8 / 3d8)
THAC0 12 [+7] / 10 [+9] / 8 [+11]
Movement 60’ (20’)
Saving Throws See main entry (8 / 12 / 16)
Morale 10
Alignment Neutral
XP 1,200 / 1,900 / 2,300
Number Appearing 1 (1)
Treasure Type None

  • Size: 8’ tall / 12’ tall / 16’ tall.
  • Blocked by water: Cannot cross a channel wider than own height.
  • Harm creatures on the ground: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

Fire Elemental🔗

Whirling columns of fire

Armor Class 2 [17] / 0 [19] / -2 [21]
Hit Dice 8 / 12 / 16* (36 / 54 / 72hp)
Attacks 1 × blow (1d8 / 2d8 / 3d8)
THAC0 12 [+7] / 10 [+9] / 8 [+11]
Movement 120’ (40’)
Saving Throws See main entry (8 / 12 / 16)
Morale 10
Alignment Neutral
XP 1,200 / 1,900 / 2,300
Number Appearing 1 (1)
Treasure Type None

  • Size: 8’ tall, 8’ across / 12’ tall, 12’ across / 16’ tall, 16’ across.
  • Blocked by water: Cannot cross a channel wider than own diameter.
  • Harm cold-based creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

Water Elemental🔗

Huge waves of water.

Armor Class 2 [17] / 0 [19] / -2 [21]
Hit Dice 8 / 12 / 16* (36 / 54 / 72hp)
Attacks 1 × blow (1d8 / 2d8 / 3d8)
THAC0 12 [+7] / 10 [+9] / 8 [+11]
Movement 60’ (20’) / 180’ (60’) swimming
Saving Throws See main entry (8 / 12 / 16)
Morale 10
Alignment Neutral
XP 1,200 / 1,900 / 2,300
Number Appearing 1 (1)
Treasure Type None

  • Size: 4’ tall, 16’ across / 6’ tall, 24’ across / 8’ tall, 32’ across.
  • Water-bound: Must remain within 60’ of water.
  • Harm creatures in water: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.