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Magical monsters that look like hideous, horned, winged statues. Semi-intelligent and possessed of a great cunning.

Armor Class 5 [14]
Hit Dice 4 (18hp)
Attacks 2 × claw (1d3), 1 × bite (1d6), 1 × horn (1d4)
THAC0 16 [+3]
Movement 90’ (30’) / 150’ (50’) flying
Saving Throws D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8)
Morale 11
Alignment Chaotic
XP 75
Number Appearing 1d6 (2d4)
Treasure Type C

  • Blend in with stone: This may be overlooked or mistaken for inanimate statues.
  • Guardians: Almost always attack when approached.
  • Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
  • Spell immunity: Unaffected by sleep or charm spells.