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Cloud GiantπŸ”—

Aggressive, 20’ tall humanoids with skin and hair ranging from grey to white. Dress in pale robes.

Armor Class 4 [15]
Hit Dice 12+3 (57hp)
Attacks 1 Γ— weapon (6d6) or 1 Γ— boulder (3d6)
THAC0 10 [+9]
Movement 120’ (40’)
Saving Throws D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (12)
Morale 10
Alignment Neutral
XP 1,100
Number Appearing 1d2 (1d3)
Treasure Type E + 5,000gp

  • Keen sight and smell: Only surprised on a 1.
  • Boulder throwing: Up to 200’.
  • Castle: Built into mountainsides or floating on cloud banks.
  • Guardians: 3d6 giant hawks or (only in mountains) 6d6 dire wolves.
  • Hate intruders: May block mountain passes to ensure isolation.

Fire GiantπŸ”—

16’ tall humanoids with black hair and red skin. Dress in armor fashioned from golden metals (brass, bronze, copper). Dwell in places of extreme heat (e.g., near volcanoes).

Armor Class 4 [15]
Hit Dice 11+2 (51hp)
Attacks 1 Γ— weapon (5d6) or 1 Γ— boulder (3d6)
THAC0 10 [+9]
Movement 120’ (40’)
Saving Throws D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (11)
Morale 9
Alignment Chaotic
XP 1,100
Number Appearing 1d2 (1d3)
Treasure Type E + 5,000gp

  • Boulder throwing: Up to 200’.
  • Fire immunity: Unharmed by fire.
  • Castle: Black, low-walled. Made of baked mud and raw iron.
  • Guardians: 20% chance of 1d3 hydras, 3d6 hellhounds otherwise.

Frost GiantπŸ”—

18’ tall humanoids with pale skin and pale, yellow or blue hair. Dress in furs or iron armor. Males have long beards.

Armor Class 4 [15]
Hit Dice 10+1 (46hp)
Attacks 1 Γ— weapon (4d6) or 1 Γ— boulder (3d6)
THAC0 11 [+8]
Movement 120’ (40’)
Saving Throws D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10)
Morale 9
Alignment Chaotic
XP 900
Number Appearing 1d2 (1d4)
Treasure Type E + 5,000gp

  • Boulder throwing: Up to 200’.
  • Cold immunity: Unharmed by cold-based attacks.
  • Castle: High upon snowy mountains.
  • Guardians: 20% chance of 3d6 polar bears, 6d6 wolves otherwise.

Hill GiantπŸ”—

Hairy, brutish, 12’ tall humanoids of low intelligence. Dwell in foothills. Known to attack human settlements to steal food.

Armor Class 4 [15]
Hit Dice 8 (36hp)
Attacks 1 Γ— weapon (2d8)
THAC0 12 [+7]
Movement 120’ (40’)
Saving Throws D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8)
Morale 8
Alignment Chaotic
XP 650
Number Appearing 1d4 (2d4)
Treasure Type E + 5,000gp

  • Weapons: Wield giant clubs and spears.

Stone GiantπŸ”—

14’ tall humanoids with stone-like, grey skin. Dwell in natural caverns or primitive huts built of stone.

Armor Class 4 [15]
Hit Dice 9 (40hp)
Attacks 1 Γ— weapon (3d6) or 1 Γ— boulder (3d6)
THAC0 12 [+7]
Movement 120’ (40’)
Saving Throws D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (9)
Morale 9
Alignment Neutral
XP 900
Number Appearing 1d2 (1d6)
Treasure Type E + 5,000gp

  • Weapons: Stone clubs made from huge stalactites.
  • Boulder throwing: Up to 300’.
  • Guardians: 50% chance of 1d4 cave bears.

Storm GiantπŸ”—

22’ tall humanoids with bronze-hued skin and garish hair (red or yellow).

Armor Class 2 [17]
Hit Dice 15 (67hp)
Attacks 1 Γ— weapon (8d6), 1 Γ— lightning bolt
THAC0 9 [+10]
Movement 150’ (50’)
Saving Throws D4 W5 P6 B5 S8 (15)
Morale 10
Alignment Lawful
XP 1,350
Number Appearing 1 (1d3)
Treasure Type E + 5,000gp

  • Summon storm: Takes 1 turn.
  • Lightning bolts: In a storm, may throw lightning every 5 rounds: 60’ long, 5’ wide; inflicts damage equal to the giant’s current hit point total (save versus spells for half damage); will bounce off of hard surfaces in the path.
  • Lightning immunity: Unharmed by lightning. Enjoy basking in storms.
  • Castle: High among mountain peaks, atop banks of clouds, or in deep waters.
  • Guardians: 2d4 griffons. Underwater: 3d6 giant crabs.