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Placing TreasureπŸ”—

There are two methods of deciding what treasure is in the possession of monsters: rolling randomly and referee choice.

Method 1: Rolling RandomlyπŸ”—

Monster listings note which treasure type is present in the creature’s lair and which it may carry on its person. See Treasure Types for details on how to roll treasure according to a treasure type letter code.

Manual AdjustmentsπŸ”—

If the value of the randomly generated treasure is significantly above or below the average value of the treasure type, the referee may adjust the results manually.

Method 2: Referee ChoiceπŸ”—

The referee may wish to choose treasures appropriate to the monsters and the PC party. As treasure is the primary source of XP (see Awarding XP), the referee should carefully consider treasure placement. The following procedure is recommended:

  1. Consider the size of the adventuring party, the levels of the characters, and the XP they need to go up in level.
  2. Decide how many experience points the treasure hoard should provide if the party successfully acquires it.
  3. Place treasures whose total value matches the determined XP total.

Balance of Reward Versus DangerπŸ”—

When using this approach, the referee should ensure that sufficiently powerful monsters guard the treasure. Adventurers should have to earn this reward!

Items of ValueπŸ”—

Common treasuresπŸ”—

The treasure tables (see Treasure Types) describe methods for generating hoards of coins, gems, jewelry, and magic items.

Unusual treasuresπŸ”—

Adventures may also include valuable items of other kinds, whose worth may not always be apparent:

  • Artwork: Paintings, statuary.
  • Books: Rare tomes or scrolls.
  • Foodstuffs: Spices, valuable wines.
  • Furnishings: Rugs, tapestries.
  • Utensils: Silver cutlery, unusual kitchen or laboratory implements.
  • Valuables: Furs, ivory, ores, silks.

Value and WeightπŸ”—

For each unusual item placed, the referee should note its value (in gold pieces) and (if using the optional rules for Encumbrance) its weight.