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Scrolls and MapsπŸ”—

B: d8 X: d% Scroll
1 01–15 1 Spell
2 16–25 2 Spells
3 26–31 3 Spells
32–34 5 Spells
35 7 Spells
4 36–40 Cursed Scroll
41–50 Prot. from Elementals
5 51–60 Prot. from Lycanthropes
61–65 Prot. from Magic
6 66–75 Prot. from Undead
7 76–78 Treasure Map: I
79–80 Treasure Map: II
81–82 Treasure Map: III
83 Treasure Map: IV
84 Treasure Map: V
85 Treasure Map: VI
86 Treasure Map: VII
8 87–90 Treasure Map: VIII
91–95 Treasure Map: IX
96 Treasure Map: X
97–98 Treasure Map: XI
99–00 Treasure Map: XII

B: Basic characters (levels 1–3) X: Expert characters (level 4+)

Scrolls are aged sheets of parchment or paper on which a high-level spell caster has written magical words.

One use only: When a scroll is read, the words disappear.

Light: A scroll can only be used if there is enough light to read.

Cursed ScrollπŸ”—

Usage: All characters (unless noted).

Activation: Merely looking at the baneful script on the scroll curses the character. The referee should determine the nature of the curse (see examples below).

Removing: A curse can be removed by magic or (at the referee’s option) by performing a special quest.

Example CursesπŸ”—

  • Transformation: The reader changes into a harmless creature (e.g., a frog).
  • Summoning: A wandering monster appears next to the reader and attacks (gaining surprise). The monster is of equal level to the reader.
  • Lost item: A magic item in the reader’s possession vanishes. The referee may select the item or choose it at random.
  • Energy drain: The reader permanently loses one experience level (or Hit Die). This incurs a loss of one Hit Die of hit points and all other benefits due to the lost level (e.g., spells, saving throws, etc.). A character’s XP is reduced halfway between the former and new levels. A person who loses all levels dies.
  • Ability score re-roll: The player must re-roll the character’s prime requisite.
  • Slow healing: The reader’s healing capacity is reduced. Natural healing takes double the normal amount of time, and healing spells only cure half the normal number of hit points.

Protection ScrollπŸ”—

Usage: All characters (unless noted). (Written in non-magical languagesβ€”usually Common.)

Activation: Reading the script aloud conjures a circle of protection against a specific type of monster or energy.

Area of protection: When used, conjures a 10’ radius circle of protection around the reader.

Moving: If the reader moves, the circle of protection follows them.

Protection from ElementalsπŸ”—

No elemental may enter the circle of protection.

  • Ranged attacks: The circle does not prevent elementals from using magic or missile attacks against those within it.
  • Breaking: The circle is broken if anyone within the circle attacks an affected elemental in melee.
  • Duration: 2 turns unless broken.

Protection from LycanthropesπŸ”—

A number of lycanthropes are barred from entering the circle of protection. The number depends on their Hit Dice: 1–3 HD: 1d10 lycanthropes affected, 4–5 HD: 1d8 affected, 6+ HD: 1d4 affected.

  • Ranged attacks: The circle does not prevent lycanthropes from using magic or missile attacks against those within it.
  • Breaking: The circle is broken if anyone within the circle attacks an affected lycanthrope in melee.
  • Duration: 6 turns unless broken.

Protection from MagicπŸ”—

Spells and spell-like effects (e.g., from magic items cannot cross the circle of protection. The barrier prevents magic from entering the circle and leaving it.

  • Duration: 1d4 turns.
  • Dispelling: Only by a wish.

Protection from UndeadπŸ”—

A number of undead monsters are barred from entering the circle of protection. The number depends on their Hit Dice: 1–3 HD: 2d12 undead affected, 4–5 HD: 2d6 undead affected, 6+ HD: 1d6 undead affected.

  • Ranged attacks: The circle does not prevent undead from using magic or missile attacks against those within it.
  • Breaking: The circle is broken if anyone within the circle attacks an affected undead monster in melee.
  • Duration: 6 turns, unless broken.

Spell ScrollπŸ”—

Usage: Spell casters.

Type of magic: 1-in-4 scrolls contain divine spells; the rest contain arcane spells.

Activation: Reading the script aloud conjures the effect of a specific spell. Only arcane spell casters can use scrolls of arcane spells. Only divine spell casters can use scrolls of divine spells.

Arcane spell scrolls: These are written in a magical script that can only be read by magic.

Divine spell scrolls: Are written in normal languages (usually Common) but can only be used by divine spell casters.

Scrolls of multiple spells: Only the spell cast disappears if a scroll contains multiple spells.

Spells on a ScrollπŸ”—

The referee may choose the spells or may roll for them randomly. The table below may be used to select the level of each spell on a scroll. (The table lists separate probabilities for Basic and Expert level characters. See **Basic and Expert Magic Items.

Spell Level
B: d6 X: d% Arcane Divine
1–3 01–25 1st 1st
4–5 26–50 2nd 2nd
6 51–70 3rd 3rd
71–85 4th 4th
86–95 5th 5th
96–00 6th 5th

Treasure MapπŸ”—

Usage: All characters (unless noted).

A map that indicates the route to a valuable treasure located in a dungeon or wilderness.

Interpreting: Treasure maps may sometimes be challenging to interpret. A map may be incomplete, worded in riddles, or written in an obscure language.

Preparing in advance: The referee should prepare treasure maps in advance.


The following list of treasure map types may be used to determine the nature of the treasure that a map leads to.

  • I: 1 magic item.
  • II: 1d6 Γ— 10 gems and 2d10 pieces of jewellery.
  • III: 2 magic items.
  • IV: 3 magic items (no swords).
  • V: 3 magic items and 1 potion.
  • VI: 3 magic items, 1 scroll, 1 potion.
  • VII: 5d6 gems and 2 magic items.
  • VIII: Hoard worth 1d4 Γ— 1,000gp.
  • IX: Hoard worth 5d6 Γ— 1,000gp.
  • X: Hoard worth 5d6 Γ— 1,000gp and 1 magic item.
  • XI: Hoard worth 5d6 Γ— 1,000gp and 5d6 gems.
  • XII: Hoard worth 6d6 Γ— 1,000gp.

Hoard ValueπŸ”—

For treasure hoards with a listed gold piece value, the referee may choose what type of treasure is in the hoard. (For example, it may be coins, but could also consist of valuable art objects or jewels.)


The treasure is normally guarded by enchantments, traps, or monsters (e.g., a monster from the dungeon encounter tables of levels 5–6 or higher).