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B: d8 X: d% Sword
1 01–02 Sword -1, Cursed
03–04 Sword -2, Cursed
2 05–44 Sword +1
3 45–50 Sword +1, +2 vs Lycanthropes
4 51–56 Sword +1, +2 vs Spell Users
5 57–61 Sword +1, +3 vs Dragons
62–66 Sword +1, +3 vs Enchanted Creatures
67–71 Sword +1, +3 vs Regenerating Creatures
6 72–76 Sword +1, +3 vs Undead
77 Sword +1, Energy Drain
78–81 Sword +1, Flaming
7 82–89 Sword +1, Light
90–92 Sword +1, Locate Objects
93 Sword +1, Wishes
8 94–96 Sword +2
97–98 Sword +2, Charm Person
99–00 Sword +3

B: Basic characters (levels 1–3) X: Expert characters (level 4+)

Usage: Per normal class restrictions.

Cursed SwordsπŸ”—

Penalty: Cursed swords specify a penalty applied to both attack rolls and damage rolls made with the weapon.

Discarding: Once the sword has been used in combat, the character comes under the curse and cannot discard the item. They will favor the sword and use it whenever possible. The curse can only be removed with magic.

Enchanted SwordsπŸ”—

Bonus: Enchanted swords specify a bonus for both attack rolls and damage rolls made with the weapon.

Bonus vs. creature type: Some swords have a special bonus when used against a certain type of creature.

Bonus vs. enchanted creatures: Magically created or animated monsters and those summoned by spells or magic items.

Sentient SwordsπŸ”—

Some magic swords have innate intelligence, personality, and other special powers. See Sentient Swords for rules for determining the special powers of a sentient sword.

Probability: If the referee wishes to determine whether a magic sword is intelligent randomly, the chance is 30%.

Swords With a Special PurposeπŸ”—

Some magic swords are imbued with a special purpose. Such swords are extremely powerful and are always sentient. See Sentient Swords for rules for determining the powers of a sword with a special purpose.

Probability: There is a 1-in-20 chance of a magic sword having a special purpose. The referee may choose to only place such swords by design rather than rolling this chance randomly.

Sword +1, Energy DrainπŸ”—

It drains the life energy of its victims.

  • On a successful hit: The wielder may command the sword to drain the victim’s life energy.
  • Energy drain: Besides suffering normal damage, the target permanently loses one experience level (or Hit Die). This incurs a loss of one Hit Die of hit points and all other benefits due to the drained level (e.g., spells, saving throws, etc.). A character’s XP is reduced to the lowest amount for the new level. A person drained of all levels dies.
  • Charges: The sword may drain a total of 1d4+4 levels. Once this many levels have been drained, it becomes a normal magical sword +1.

Sword +1, FlamingπŸ”—

Bursts into flames, on command. When flaming:

  • Casts light: In a 30’ radius.

  • Can set things alight: Treated as a torch to set things on fire (e.g., a web spell).

  • Inflicts fire damage: This may have special effects on certain creatures.

  • Grants an attack bonus:

Against certain types of creature:

  • +2 vs. trolls (or other creatures that cannot regenerate fire damage).
  • +2 vs. pegasi, hippogriffs, and rocs (or other bird-like creatures).
  • +3 vs. treants (or other plant-based creatures).
  • +3 vs. undead.

  • Duration: The sword blazes until commanded to cease.

Sword +1, LightπŸ”—

On command, it produces light in a 30’ radius.

Sword +2, Charm PersonπŸ”—

It grants the wielder the ability to charm other people.

  • Effect: This works in the same way as the magic-user spell charm person.
  • Usage frequency: The power may be used up to three times weekly.

Sword +1, Locate ObjectsπŸ”—

It grants the wielder the ability to detect the presence of objects within 120’.

  • Effect: This works in the same way as the magic-user spell locate object.
  • Usage frequency: The power may be used once per day.

Sword +1, WishesπŸ”—

Has the power to grant the wielder’s wishes.

  • Charges: The sword grants a total of 1d4 wishes.
  • Wishing: The wish must be spoken out loud by the sword's wielder.