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Sentient Swords🔗

If a magic sword possesses sentience (see Swords for the likelihood), the procedure on this page may be used to determine its powers. (Alternatively, the referee may select its qualities as desired.)

Rolling a Sentient Sword🔗

  1. Special purpose: If the sword has a special purpose, see Special Purpose of Sentient Swords to determine what it is.

  2. Intelligence and personality: The sword’s INT is 1d6+6. (Swords imbued with a special purpose always have INT 12.) The sword has a personality and should be played as an NPC.

  3. Communication:

The sword’s INT determines how it can communicate. See the table below.

  1. Empathy: The sword cannot communicate directly but empathically informs the wielder of its powers and how to use them.
  2. Speech: The sword speaks out loud. The number of languages it knows is indicated by rolling on the languages table; see below. The referee should select the languages.
  3. Reading: The sword can read all languages it can speak and magical inscriptions.

  4. Alignment: See the table below.

  5. Powers: The sword’s INT determines the number of powers it has. See the table below. Powers are described in the links below.

  6. Ego: Sentient swords have an Ego rating—a measure of their force of personality. This is rolled on 1d12. Swords imbued with a special purpose always have an Ego of 12.

INT Reading Communication
7 No Empathy
8 No Empathy
9 No Empathy
10 No Speech
11 Yes Speech
12 Yes Speech
d100 Languages
01–50 Alignment tongue + 1
51–70 Alignment tongue + 2
71–85 Alignment tongue + 3
86–95 Alignment tongue + 4
96–99 Alignment tongue + 5
00 Roll twice again, adding results
d20 Alignment
01–13 Lawful
14–18 Neutral
19–20 Chaotic
INT Powers
7 1 sensory power
8 2 sensory powers
9 3 sensory powers
10 3 sensory powers
11 3 sensory powers
12 3 sensory powers + 1 extraordinary

Using a Sentient Sword🔗

Sentient swords grant the wielder special powers beyond a normal magic sword, but using one also carries risks.

Activating Powers🔗

  • In hand: To use a power, the sword must be in the wielder’s hand.
  • Concentration: The wielder must concentrate to activate a power.


The alignment of the sword can only be determined by touching it. Doing so may incur damage if the character is of a different alignment to the sword:

  • Lawful swords: Inflict 1d6 damage per round to neutral characters and 2d6 per round to chaotic characters.
  • Neutral swords: Inflict 1d6 damage per round to non-neutral characters.
  • Chaotic swords: Inflict 1d6 damage per round to neutral characters and 2d6 per round to lawful characters.


A sentient sword has its own personality and can sometimes attempt to exercise control over the person who wields it. A control check (see below) is triggered in any of the following circumstances:

  • First contact: Upon the character first touching the sword.
  • Wounded: When the character is reduced to half hit points or less.
  • Jealousy: When another magic weapon comes into the character’s possession.
  • Alignment difference: Upon every use, if the sword and the character are of different alignments.
  • Special purpose: If the sword has a special purpose, every time the special purpose is applicable. (e.g., when encountering a character or creature of the type the sword is designed to slay.)

Control Checks🔗

When one of the circumstances above occurs, a control check is required:

  1. Determine the sword’s Will score:
  2. The sum of its INT and Ego.
  3. Add one for each extraordinary power the sword has.
  4. Add 1d10 if the sword and the wielder are different alignments.
  5. Determine the wielder’s Will score:
  6. The sum of STR and WIS scores.
  7. If the character has less than full hit points, Will is reduced by 1d4 (or 2d4 if the character has less than half hit points).
  8. Compare the Will scores. If the sword’s Will score is higher, it takes control of the character’s actions.

When the Sword Takes Control🔗

The referee determines the behavior of the character via the sword, for example:

  • Jealousy: Discarding other weapons or ignoring newly discovered magic weapons.
  • Glory: Charging into battle to gain glory for the sword.
  • Surrender: To a foe whom the sword deems either more worthy of possessing it or more susceptible to being controlled.
  • Indulgence: Making lavish expenditures for the sword. Purchasing expensive sheaths, having jewels fitted, having enchantments and wards applied, etc. The sword may force the character to spend most of their money on such things!

Ending Control🔗

Once in control, the sword will only release the character when the circumstance that triggered the control check is over or when the sword is otherwise satisfied.

Extraordinary Powers🔗

See Extraordinary Powers of Sentient Swords.

Sensory Powers🔗

See Sensory Powers of Sentient Swords.

Special Purpose🔗

See Special Purpose of Sentient Swords.