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Staff of Wizardry🔗

An item of supreme wizardly power, this staff may be used as a weapon in melee, and may evoke a dozen different magical effects.

  • Arcane magic: Usable by arcane spell casters only.
  • In melee: Treated as a staff with a +1 magic bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • Striking: Expending one charge, inflicts 2d6 damage on a successful hit.
  • Cone of cold: Conjures a cone of freezing energy, 60’ long and 30’ wide at the far end. Creatures caught in the cone suffer 8d6 damage, with a successful save versus spells indicating half damage.
  • Paralysation: Conjures a cone of magical energy, 60’ long and 30’ wide at the far end. Creatures caught in the cone are paralyzed for 6 turns (save versus spells to avoid).
  • Spells: Can cast: conjure elemental (8 HD), continual light, fire ball (8d6 damage), invisibility, lightning bolt (8d6 damage), pass-wall, telekinesis (up to 2,400 coins of weight), web.
  • Whirlwind: Conjures a whirlwind 70’ tall, 20’ wide at the top, and 10’ wide at the base. The whirlwind lasts for 3 rounds and moves at 120’ (40’) as the staff's wielder directs. All in its path suffer 2d6 damage. Creatures with less than 2HD are swept aside (save versus death to avoid).
  • Sacrifice: The wielder may sacrifice the staff by breaking it in two. Doing so unleashes a 30’ radius fireball that inflicts 8 points of damage per remaining charge in the staff. The wielder of the staff also suffers this damage.